
Thursday, 25 April 2013

Rio, Pope's only international trip for 2013

(Vatican Radio) Brazil will be the only international destination for Pope Francis in 2013. This was stated Wednesday afternoon by Father Federico Lombardi, director of the Vatican press office, in a meeting at the headquarters of the Foreign Press Association in Rome. "I invite you to not expect others to trips abroad this year," Father Lombardi said. 
Pope Francis will travel to Rio de Janeiro for the 28th World Youth Day, to be held July 23 to 28, with the motto "Go and make disciples of all nations" (Mt 28, 19). 
And the Director of the Holy See Press Office did not rule out the publication this year of the Pope’s first encyclical remembering that Benedict XVI had already prepared the material on the topic of faith. 
Father Lombardi went on to say that the pope emeritus, who currently resides in Castel Gandolfo, is expected to move back to the Vatican, to the Monastery of Mater Ecclesiae, between late April and early May. 
Pope Francis, however, will continue to reside in the Casa Santa Marta, where "he is very well settled”. Father Lombardi added: “At the moment, he does not seem to want to change his dwelling, even if a final decision has not been made." 
In recent days, Dr. Alberto Gasbarri, who is in charge of all international papal journeys, traveled to Rio de Janeiro to finalize details of Pope Francis’ visit: "The program will follow the desires of the Pope," he said, recalling that the presence of the Holy Father is confirmed for the welcome ceremony, the Way of the Cross, the Vigil and closing Mass of World Youth Day, scheduled for Sunday, July 28 at the Campus Fidei, in Guaratiba

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Enjoying Youth from Taize

Faith of youth is a main attraction of the world especially Christian youth.This video emphasis youth are always want to live happy and Joy.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Question of the month

Is there a contradiction between faith and science?

There is no insoluble contradiction between faith and science, because there cannot be two kinds of truth. [159] 

There is not one truth of faith that is in competition with another truth of science. There is only one truth, to which both faith and scientific reason refer. God intended reason, with which we can recognize the rational structures of the world, just as he intended faith. That is why the Christian faith demands and promotes the (natural) sciences. Faith exists so that we might know things that are not apparent to reason yet are real above and beyond reason. Faith reminds science that it is supposed to serve creation and not set itself up in place of God. Science must respect human dignity instead of violating it.

Washing the feet: the way to Love

(Vatican Radio) Benedictine Abbott, Timothy Wright, spiritual director at the Pontifical Beda College in Rome explains the events we commemorate on Holy Thursday.
Holy Thursday – Abbott Wright explains – is the day of Jesus’ last supper with his disciples. It was a very special meal, for them and for him, and he wanted to make sure that it endured. So he did a number of things: he reminded those around the table that this was going to be his last supper, it was going to be a definitive moment, and that he was not going to partake fully of it until he had been through the process of dying and rising. They didn’t understand it. Who would? They celebrated the meal in the traditional Jewish way as a Passover meal remembering the events of the exodus – that is they were slaves in Egypt being brought out by their leader Moses through the Red Sea, the parting of the waves, then through the desert eventually to the promised land. And throughout the whole of that journey they were pursued by the Egyptian army and they managed to get across thanks to the intervention of God.That event was traditional for the Jews and has been so ever since. Christ took it up as his last meal and he did a number of things that were particular. He took bread and said “this is my body” – no one really understood what that really meant. He took wine and said “this is my blood,” a new covenant for the forgiveness of sins, a new life. But before he did that, he sat his disciples down and said: “right – I’m going to wash your feet”. 
Washing feet is a very menial task. A sign of the host welcoming the guest. A sign of recognition saying “you are important to me”. You are important to me because of who you are, not because of what you have done for me. You are important to me not because you are a sinner or a saint, but because in you there is the unique presence of God. And that is why I am showing to you that this is my service of you, my 12 apostles – and one of you is going to betray me – no matter, I will wash your feet because you are going to be the leaders, and it is you who then have to wash other people’s feet. Service is at the heart of the Christian Gospel. My service is to die and to rise and give new life. Your service is to go forward and to wash people’s feet to show this is the love that really counts